Upcoming Cattle Sales
Market Reports
South Dakota Producers
Shipper permits are required before crossing state lines
South Dakota Brand board 605-773-3324
For Monday sales – You are allowed 48 hours before crossing state lines to acquire shipper’s permit. Call Friday for Saturday/Sunday arrivals.
For holidays – South Dakota Brand Office is closed
- Call as usual and listen for alternate calling options.
- Log onto sdbrandboard.sd.gov to locate an inspector
- Click inspectors to find a shippers agent
If shippers are not called before crossing the state line your check will be held until South Dakota investigators get the information they need to write a violation
Any buyers interested in attaining buyer approval on Cattle USA- please submit your application before sale day! Approval on sale day is very difficult if not impossible. Your understanding is appreciated!
Valentine Livestock Auction is your source for feeder cattle & replacement stock from ranches in the Sandhills of Nebraska.
We are open the year around, regular feeder cattle sales are held every Thursday in season, with special weigh-up cow sales on Mondays, as needed.
Valentine Livestock is an approved NHTC market (Non Hormone Treated Cattle)
Listen to KVSH “940” Thurs at 3:00 P.M. for live broadcast
Visit our Facebook page for up to date information
Watch live video broadcast of special sales on cattleusa.com